Call for “papers”: First Mini-Conference on Coronavirus and Law, “at” OU Law

I am rapidly throwing together an online, informal “mini-conference” on law and coronavirus. It will take place April 10 from 2:00 to 3:45 p.m. “at” OU Law via Zoom.

Rather than calling for “work-in-progress paper presentations,” I’m setting expectations much lower—something more like a “work-in-progress blog post presentation.” The idea is to issue-spot ways the law may help or hurt in the battle against COVID-19. Details are in the CFP: Call for Participants.

Participation is open to legal scholars, academics from other disciplines, and professionals with relevant perspectives (research scientists, public-health professionals, healthcare clinicians, etc.) who have ideas about how the law is either getting in the way or could be used to lend a hand in combatting the pandemic.

Confirmed participants so far include Stacey A. Tovino of UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law and Erika M. Douglas of Temple University Beasley School of Law.



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